Features and benefits

  • Your own space in the cloud
    Save money on server space by using the ofcdesk cloud.
    Connect Search links your website to the ofcdesk cloud for a smooth symbol download experience for your customer.
  • Everything happens on your website
    Visitors download your product models straight from your website. ofcdesk is invisible in the process.
    The Connect Search interface seamlessly fits into your website as a simple, intuitive place where your customers can find your symbols (AutoCAD, Revit, and SketchUp), PDFs, images, or Typicals.
  • It’s easy to stay up-to-date
    Control your content and update your data whenever you want and as much as you want. Need to make changes to your symbols? Simply remove, add, or update your content whenever you need. Connect Search provides a bridge between your updated content, your website, and your customer.
Connect Search widget working

How does it work?

Use Content Controller (included) symbol content management software, to update the ofcdesk cloud.

Visitors on your website can search your content via the Connect Search interface and download your products for their designs.

The Connect Search interface can be customized to fit into your website’s style and feel.

Ready to get started?

Contact us and schedule a quick meeting to discuss getting started.


USD $149.00 / month