Do I need to install software to use Connect?
Yes, Connect requires a client side plugin running on top of AutoCAD 2014 or later.
How do I find and install Connect for AutoCAD?
Connect Plugin for AutoCAD can be downloaded from Dashboard page after you login. Look for the “Download Software” panel on the far right side in the Dashboard. Follow the install instructions once the file has downloaded.
What AutoCAD versions are compatible with Connect for AutoCAD?
Connect runs on AutoCAD 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 (both 32 and 64-bit versions).
Do I need to download the Connect for AutoCAD plugin again if I update or reinstall my AutoCAD?
There is no need to download again the plugin again. Reinstalling is only necessary if the Connect ribbon does not show up.
Do I need to have an account to download the plugin?
No, anyone can download the plugin at any time by using this address: http://connect.ofcdesk.com/Download/ConnectForAutoCAD. An account is necessary to access the website.
What kind of AutoCAD files can I use Connect to translate?
Connect can process layouts created with 2020 CAP product running inside AutoCAD 2014 or later.
Why is Connect for AutoCAD asking me for a reference point when I want to select my design in AutoCAD?
Connect uses the Reference Point for two important reasons: 1.To adjust the Revit Family insertion point to match your AutoCAD layout and 2. To Store Parameters bound to each Layout. If you do not want to select a reference point, hit “Enter” and Connect will create one for you.
How do I view my Revit file on the Connect web page?
In the Translations area of the Dashboard, you can see a list of processed layouts. In the list of translations under “Actions” select the double arrow “Open” button.
Will my client see the translation name that is entered in the AutoCAD pop up?
The translation name will be used to create the Revit filename. You can change the name in the the online dashboard, even after the translation process has been occurred.
Can I use Connect to translate an entire floor plan?
It is possible to translate an entire floor plan, though it is not recommended. Keep in mind, the more items that are selected to be translated, the longer the processing time.
Does AutoCAD open the browser automatically when processing starts?
Yes. Connect will open your default browser to reveal your dashboard when processing starts.
What if my CAP layout has been created using 2D blocks? What will happen?
Connect will translate your 2D layout to Revit using 3D Revit symbols.
Why does Connect ask to specify an insertion point after selecting the layout in AutoCAD?
The translation process will use this point as a reference to allow the end user to position the translated file using this point. This is similar to the “WBLOCK” command in AutoCAD.
I'd like to have ofcdesk model a special in Revit for my project. How do I request this service?
Building symbols is our specialty. Please email us at connect@ofcdesk.com with a brief description of your special and we'll follow up with you as soon as possible.
What file types are created for download and sharing after I create my Revit translation in Connect?
After you have translated your layout, Connect will let you download or share a nested .RFA family.
How does Connect handle specials in my CAP 20/20 design?
If it is not possible to create or find a Revit symbol for a .DWG in your CAP design, Connect will show a yellow “Alert” symbol under status in your Connect dashboard. When you expand the translation in your translations dashboard you will see a new drop down menu button that says: “Click here for options.” From here, Connect lets you address the special in your CAP design by choosing 4 possible options. Easy Option: Connect will replace unidentified items with a native Revit bounding box. Visually Accurate: Connect will create DWG based families and insert those in the Revit translation (not ideal). Empty: Connect will leave the missing item space empty. Order: Connect will provide a cost estimate for unidentified items.
In the browser, the web page is taking a long time to “process” my layout
Depending how many translations you have waiting in line and the number of complex products inside your layout it may take up to 5 minutes to process. You can submit new translations while you wait if needed.
How do I download my Revit file from the Connect web page?
In the Translations area of the Dashboard you can see a list of processed layouts. Under “Actions” click the “Download” button.
What if I need more help?
Don't worry, please contact our Support Team at support@ofcdesk.com.